
Petrology & Rocks


De wetenschap petrologie is de wetenschap die stenen bestudeerd. Het woord petrologie komt van twee Griekse woorden Petros = Gesteente Logos = Kennis letterlijk vertaald is dat dus kennis der gesteente. In de basis onderscheidt men drie soorten gesteente Stollingsgesteente, metamorfe gesteente en sedimentaire gesteente. In deze categorie staan al alle gesteente van die op dit momment beschikbaar zijn.

Igneous rocks

Igneous rocks are rocks formed by the solidification of magma or lava. Magma solidifies above ground and lava solidifies below ground. In both circumstances different rocks are formed. This is partly because the magma on the surface cools much faster than lava below the ground.

Metamorfic rocks

Metamorphic rocks are rocks that form when other types of rocks change. These changes “metamorphoses” can be caused by a number of events. Often it is due to changes in pressure, temperature or hydrothermal fluids. In most cases, such changes take place at great depths in the Earth's mantle or crust.


Sedimentairy rocks


Sedimentary rocks form when sediments are deposited. These sediments often consist of organic remains, but sedimentary rocks can also form when rocks break down through erosion and are deposited elsewhere.


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3. Rock Collection Large

3. Rock Collection Large


Rock Collection Het ideal gif! A nice collection of rocks in a handy box. It is also a great way .....