Metamorfic Rocks
Metamorphic rocks are rocks that form when other types of rocks change. These changes “metamorphoses” can be caused by a number of events. Often it is due to changes in pressure, temperature or hydrothermal fluids. In most cases, such changes take place at great depths in the Earth's mantle or crust.

1. Rock Collection
1. Rock Collection Instead of selecting all the rocks separately, you can also buy a set with a.....

2. Rock Collection
2. Rock Collection Instead of selecting all the rocks separately, you can also buy a set with a l.....

Gneiss - Botswana
Rock Species: Gneiss Location : Thuli Wildernis, Botswana Length : 35 mm Width : 18 mm Hi.....

Gneiss - Germany
Rock : Gneiss Vindplaats : Oberharmersbach, Black Forest, Germany Length : 25 tot 38 mm Wi.....

Gneiss - Poland
Rock Species : Gneiss Country of Origin: Poland Lenght : 16 tot 48 mm Width : 10 tot 27 mm.....

Rock Species : Graphite Country of Origin : Czech Republic Hardness : 1 tot 2 Cymbol : C Lengh.....

Serpentiniet - Spain
Rock : Serpentinite Location : Pyrite Mine near Eljas, Spain Jear Find : 1993 Length : 35 .....

Serpentinite - Norway
Rock Species : Serpentinite Country of Origin : Norway Length : 16 tot 33 mm Width :.....

Tigers Eye
Mineral Species : Tigers Eye / var. Quartz Country of Origin : South-Africa Hardness : 7 Chemical.....