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Archeology is the science that deals with the human past. On this website it is a small category full of special objects. It is not only all older finds that are discussed in this section. The relatively younger finds are also shown. By this I mean the archaeological finds that are often already made with a metal detector. It is not always clear how old or young it really is for this last group.

Cupper ore slag

Cupper ore slag


Slag species : Cupper ore slag Location : Siebertal, Harz, Germany age : Dark Ages +/- 600 jears o.....

Cupper ore slag

Cupper ore slag


Slag Species : Cupper ore slag Location : Siebertal, Harz, Germany Period : Dark Ages +/- 600.....

Lead slags

Lead slags


Slag Species : Lead slag Location : Legrena, Lavarion, Greece Age : Uknown Length : 14 tot 29 m.....