microthyridina lagenalis


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Fossil Species : microthyridina lagenalis / (Schlotheim, 1820)
Location : Latton Quarry, Cerney Wick, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Geological Age : Jurassic

Length : 29 tot 35 mm
Width : 19 tot 27 mm
Hight : 19 tot 25 mm
Be Aware! We have multiple specimens in stock, they can varry in size and collor.
microthyridina lagenalis
Microthyridinia lagenhalis is a typical brachiopod of the family Zeilleridae and the order Terebratulida. They are mainly oval brachiopods, only at the bottom they are flat. The surfaces of the brachiopods are also flat, but there are two large ribs that open at the points on the underside of the shell.
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