Dictyonema - Graptolite little

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Dictyonema Graptoliet

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Fossil Species : Dictyonema Sp, / (Hall, 1851)
Location : Oslo fjord, Norway
Geological Age : Ordovicium +/- 420 MA

Location : 7 tot 28 mm
Width : 4 tot 17 mm
Hight : 2 tot 3 mm
Be Aware! We have multiple specimens in stock, they can varry in size and collor.
Dictyonema - Graptolieten
Graptolites are colony-forming animals that occurred from the late Cambrian to the Devonian. Many graptolites had a planktonic way of life, so they floated like they were in the upper parts of the ocean. Their external skeleton was made up of chitin rather than lime. They are now found as flattened plates in, among other things, black shales. These dictyonema graptolites are known from the Ordovician of Norway.

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