Cyclotyris cuveri cf. ventrilanata (1)

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Fossil Species : Cyclotyris cuveri cf. ventrilanata / (M'Coy, 1844)
Location : Wüllen, Germany
Geological Age : Turonian, Cretaceous

Length : 13 tot 39 mm
Widh : 11 tot 28 mm
Hight : 7 tot 21 mm
Be Aware! We have multiple specimens in stock, they can varry in size and collor.
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Cyclotyris cuveri
 cf. ventrilanata
This species Cyclotyris cuverie is a species of brachiopod from the family Cyclothyrididaee. They are small teardrop-shaped brachiopods that are preserved in a white matrix of limestone. The copies date from the Turoon, Cretaceous period of the town of Wüllen in Germany. I have quite a few different ones, and although these are not in the picture, also a few that are still in the matrix.
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