Chromium diopside


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Ruwe Edelstenen

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Mineral Species : Chromium Diopside / var. diopsied
Location : Madagascar
Hardness : 6
Chemische Formula : CaMgSi2O6

Length : 14 tot 64 mm
Width : 12 tot 42 mm 
Hoogth :7 tot 34 mm
Be Aware! We have several pieces in stock, these may differ in color and size.
Chromium Diopside
Diopside is a calcium magnesium innosilicat with the chemical formula CaMgSi2O6. The color varies from green and colorless to gray, brown or blue, but the stripe color is always white-green. It is a mineral from the pyroxene green that occurs in both igneous and metamorphic rocks. Chomium diopside is the chromium rich varity of diopside.
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