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Bryozoa / mosdiertjes

Bryozoa or moss animals are colony-forming animals that form a limestone skeleton. In each room of such a skeleton there is an animal, which is usually no larger than a millimeter. The colonies often attach themselves to other organisms such as seaweed or shells. Yet there are not only species that show this crusting. There are also varieties that appear fan-shaped or branch-shaped. Moss animals have been found since the beginning of the Ordovisic period and are therefore still alive to this day. Most species are found in saltwater environments, but there are also species that live in freshwater.




Bryozoa (Small)

Bryozoa (Small)


Fossil Species : Bryozoa Sp, / (Ehrenberg, 1831) Location : Uelsen, Duitsland geological Age : ? .....

Bryozoa - Czech Republic

Bryozoa - Czech Republic


Fossil Species: Bryozoa Sp, / (Ehrenberg, 1831) Location : zlatý kůň, Czech Republ.....

Bryozoa - Maria island

Bryozoa - Maria island


Fossil Species : Bryozoa Sp, / (Ehrenberg, 1831) Location : a garden in  Richmond, Maria .....