Shale - Thanville


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Rock Species : Shale
Vindplaats : Thanville, France
Geological Age : Emsien, Devonian

Lenght : 22 tot 73 mm
Width : 15 tot 48 mm
Hight : 13 tot 27 mm
Be Aware! We have multiple specimens in stock, They can varry in size and collor.

Shale consists of hardened consolidated (sediments that shrink under their own pressure) clay. However, shale is slightly different from claystone, unlike claystone, shale has clear layers and good cleavage. Shales often contain many fossils, this black shale from Llandrindod, Wells is known for the huge amounts of trilobites it contains. Some of the pieces offered here still have a nice yellow-brown weathering crust.
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